Jannie Fernandes, is the author behind the penname trustonlystars.
She is a poet, podcaster, and an artist. Also, an over-thinker, daydreamer, pet mom and a K-drama fan! She loves her solitude, but not more than her people- okay, sometimes more than her people! Jannie loves to travel, is creative and is passionate about creating art in various forms. She writes poems, has published her book, sold hand-painted mugs, tried resin art, recorded a podcast and performs poetry.

About me
Her journey from being a ‘hard-core-extremely-quiet-invisible-introvert’ who wouldn’t even talk to her friends to someone who performs for an audience, has been intriguing. She leaves quite a mysterious impression, it’s either deep-intense poetic conversations or plain made-up imaginary scenarios, and there is no in-between. As a teenager, she was insecure, and anxious and didn’t quite believe she could be an author. So, when she started her blog on tumblr, she hid behind her pen name – “trustonlystars”. Her readers found her poems relatable and comforting, for she could express complex thoughts in simple words.
Jannie has always been intuitive and spiritual; she believes in signs, angels, numerology and magic. She lost her mother to COVID-19, during the pandemic, and since then, she has found ways to heal and grow spiritually. She shared her loss with millions of people who struggled to save their families but couldn’t; it was nothing less than a war. Jannie is resilient; she relied on therapy and art to move forward. She launched her first podcast that year, “Maybe You’re Not Overthinking”, all about decoding emotions. She writes free verse poetry, sticks to the emotional element and ditches the rhyme scheme. Her debut book, "Starlight & Seashells," is a collection of poems on love, while her second book, "Magic in Teacups," delves into the highs and lows of life through various seasons. She is now co-hosting her second podcast- “I Wish I Knew!” with her best friend, Jisha Unnikrishnan.
One of her all-time unresolved mysteries is- how her friends claim that she always cancels plans to stay home, but her family complains that she is never home.